Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Birthday to My Wife!!!

I want to dedicate this posting and of course this day to my amazing wife! She turned 39 today and still looks 25 and certainly has the energy of a much younger person.

Her passion for life and her family are steadfast and strong, her compassion and caring for others is unwavering - she touches those around her in an indescribable way.

The beauty she possess goes far deeper than what one may see, for her heart is filled with nothing but love.

I am truly lucky to have her as my wife and count my blessings the day we met. She stuck by me through thick and thin and gave me everything I want in life - she is my Angel.

I love you honey and wish you a day filled with happiness and love; exactly what you give others every single day.

Cheers to my special "young" lady on her special day - Happy Birthday!

Love always,


Anonymous said...

You are lucky! Wow! Hope you two have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

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