Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Year, A New You with the RIGHT Nutrition!

The nutritional choices you make today will have a major impact on your overall Health, Wellbeing and Longevity in the future.

The human body is the most intricate piece of machinery that has ever existed on this planet.
The human body is also the most abused piece of machinery in existence.

As humans are the only species who are consciously aware of our own mortality, you would think that we would be doing everything in our power to optimize our natural lifespan.

However, if you would you rather live a healthy life and reach your optimum lifespan, or develop a “Degenerative Disease” and die in agony 20, 30 or even 40 years before you need to?"If you think that most of us would opt for the first choice, as none of us want to experience the second scenario, you are sadly mistaken.

Hundreds of millions of people, through their lifestyle and diet, are actually going to become just another statistic in the “Degenerative Disease” scrapbook of DEATH! As a result of the lifestyle choices they are making TODAY, they are going to suffer, die early, die in pain and die needlessly from a wide range of diseases that virtually did not exist 300 years go.

Diseases such as Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Asthma, and hundreds of other so-called “Degenerative Diseases” are, in most cases, actually nothing more than preventable "Lifestyle Diseases".

This is shown by the simple fact that while they were virtually unknown 300 years ago, they are absolutely exploding today, as evidenced by the latest figures from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) showing the top ten killer diseases in the USA.

You see, the problem with nutrition is simply that we no longer consume the foods we were designed to eat.

Humans were designed to eat a diet consisting solely of RAW food and pure water. Raw fruits, raw grains, raw vegetables and raw meat.

The discovery of fire and the ability to cook our foods actually started our nutritional decline.
The arrival of the "Industrial age" and processed foods hastened that decline.

The fact that the over-processed, over-cooked junk we now primarily consume has less than 10% the total nutritional value of the foods our remote ancestors ate, is a major factor in the our current health crises.

The fact that we no longer drink pure water, but instead consume copious amounts of soda (which is up to 50,000 times more acidic than pure water) is also a major factor in our current health crises.

So, is the answer to our nutritional problems to simply revert to the totally fresh diet we were designed to eat?

They answer to that is yes...and no.

Yes it does help...and no it is not the total answer.

Yes because the more fresh foods you can consume instead of the over-processed, over-cooked junk food many of us eat, will help the body.

No because even those foods today do not contain the same amount of nutrients as the foods our remote ancestors ate. Our remote ancestors were "'hunter / gathers" who ate whatever food they found growing naturally as they traveled. Today there are 6 billion of us trying to survive on food grown on the same ground over and over again.

Simple science shows us that plants extract, among other things, 70+ trace minerals from the soil, and we then ingest those minerals from eating the plants. Well we used to, but our farming practices today only re-fertilize the soil with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The other vital trace minerals are depleted and it is way to costly for our farmers to replenish them artificially.

The best nutritional answer is actually two-fold. Eat as much fresh (naturally ripened), organically grown food as possible, and then take nutritional supplements on a daily basis to make up the nutritional shortfall of those foods.

Think of it this way: "The body you now have is the only one you are going to get!"You can either nurture and support it, or you can abuse it. If you choose to nurture your body, then providing it with top quality nutritional supplements along with live food, adequate diet and regular exercise makes perfect sense.If, however, you choose not to nurture your body.

Start the New Year right with exceptional live whole foods and watch the benefits your body and MIND experience in 2008!

Natural, Sustainable Energy Through Live Whole Foods :

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Simple Eating Strategies for The New Year!

As we gear up for 2008, I thought I would dedicate today's posting to healthy and effective eating "strategies" that hopefully will turn into habits - good habits!

So, take that last piece of Lasagna, that sip of Eggnog and slice of cheescake before we ring in the new year and let's get down to business.

When you compose your list of "goals" for the year, I assume that "Eat Right" is high up on your list. If not, it should be! It's safe to say that 80% of the way we feel and "look" is a direct result of what we put into our bodies. Not to mention the potential long term destruction we risk our internal organs by not eating healthy or even correctly.
I've put some very simple, yet highly effective tips together to help you achieve your excellent eating habits for the New Year:
  • Eat at least six meals daily (I KNOW you can do this)
  • Make each meal count. If you eat anything, consider it a meal.
  • Eliminate any and all refined sugards and sweets.
  • Reduce caffeine intake and increase water intake.
  • Eliminate alcohol or reduce to no more than 2-3 beverages per week.
  • If you must have heavy starches, consume by 1 - 2 P.M. (i.e. bread, pasta, potato)
  • 1 serving of protein should be consumed with every meal.
  • Eliminate or greatly reduce any dairy intake. Milk is for Cows!
  • All fruits should be consumed in the morning before Noon. No fruit juices! Unless, 100% pure.
  • Consume Live Whole Food supplements everyday This offers a complete range of full-spectrum nutrients that are very much depleted from most all foods we consume. This is an important key to optimial health!
  • Maximum amount of hours between meals: 3 hours.
  • Limit sugary condiments such as ketchup and salad dressings.
  • Meal replacement bars and shake should be less than 20 grams of sugar per serving.
  • Lots and lots of water throughout the day!

I just listed some very simple items that you can follow on a day-to-day basis. Just try it for 30 days and see how good you feel and look!

If you are interested in some FREE samples of my Live Whole Food supplments produced by Uri International; please enter your informtion and I will get them out to you: <-- click here and enter your information for free samples

Wish you a very blessed, happy, prosperous and HEALTHY 2008!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain comes in many forms, among them is Adhesive Capsulitis, commonly known as frozen shoulder, a problem that causes the shoulder joint capsule to stiffen and causes a loss of movement throughout the shoulder joint. This condition is often confused with shoulder tendonitis or a rotator cuff injury, but it's different because it affects the joint capsule rather than the tendons and muscles of the joint. To understand this concept better, it might help to look at the anatomy of the shoulder joint.

Shoulder Joint Anatomy
This particular joint is intricate and complex area of the body. While the shoulder is one of the most amazingly versatile parts of the body, it is also among the most fragile. With the number of tendons, bones and muscles involved with each movement, it's easy for something to go wrong. The shoulder joint also has a large range of motion, but that means that it lacks the stability that other joints have. This makes it more susceptible to injury resulting in shoulder pain.

Three Bones in the Shoulder

Scapula (shoulder blade)
Humerus (upper arm bone)
Clavicle (collarbone)
Four Muscles in the Shoulder

Teres Minor

When we talk about frozen shoulder, we are talking about the point at which the humerus fits into the shoulder socket. The surrounding ligaments and capsule becomes inflamed and causes limited motion in the area and a great deal of shoulder pain.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder
Although the cause of frozen shoulder is a mystery, many cases of this condition occur following a shoulder injury, shoulder surgery or arthritis. Poor posture is also a cause of frozen shoulder, causing the ligaments that surround the shoulder joint to shorten and cause stiffness in the joint. Others believe that conditions like diabetes and hyperthyroidism can cause or at least contribute to stiffness in the shoulder.

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder
You might not know what causes frozen shoulder, but you definitely know when you have it because of the extreme stiffness and shoulder pain you'll feel in the joint. The pain is usually more like a constant aching and the stiffness prevents the joint from performing its full range of motion. In a typical case, you won't be able to lift your arm above your head or rotate your shoulder at all. There are generally three stages involved with the condition:

Stage One
This is known as the "freezing phase." The shoulder begins to have mild pain and stiffness. It can last for a few weeks or several months.

Stage Two
Known as the "frozen phase," this stage sees the pain decline while the stiffness remains. This stage can last up to a year.

Stage Three
This "thawing phase" allows the shoulder joint to regain its full range of motion, but it could take up to a few months to fully recover.

Most cases of frozen shoulder clear up between four to six months after onset, but some extreme cases have been known to last a few years. Proper precautions and exercises can reduce your risk of getting this condition and any other type of shoulder pain.

About the Author
Article by Brad Walker. Brad is an internationally recognized stretching and sports injury consultant with 20 years of practical experience in the health and fitness industry. Brad is a Health Science graduate of the University of New England and has postgraduate accreditations in athletics, swimming and triathlon coaching. He has worked with elite level and world champion athletes and lectures for Sports Medicine Australia on injury prevention.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Eating For The Holidays!

Hi guys - it's been over a month since my last posting; life has kept me extremely busy as we round out 2007!

I thought it would be fitting to talk about eating around the holidays. It's no surprise that the average american gains between 4-7 lbs during this time of the year. Understandably so, with so many wonderful foods starting with appetizers to pies, cakes, candies and alcoholic beverages. It's no wonder that most of us tend to go overboard.

While I admit that splurging a bit over the holdidays is deserving in my opinion, there's always that guilt factor that sets in after. So, where is that line that we shouldn't cross? If you look at most of the foods you eat, they are very high in either carbs or sugar or both. Try to be more aware of the "types" of foods that you are eating. In other words, eat more of the meats, fishes and vegetable dishes; go for the nuts and salads and limit the breads, pastas, potatoes, cakes and pies. No kidding, right? But, how??

First, burn calories in the morning by going for a brisk walk or jog to prepare yourself for the onslaught of calorie intake. Now, your body is in a more efficient metabolic state. You are burning calories more rapidly throughout the day. Continue to drink lots of water, especially in between your alcoholic beverages to keep your stomach fuller and your body hydrated. One glass of water for every drink.

Fill your plate(s) with 3/4 of meats and salads and either elimiate the breads and potatoes or limit them drastically. Ever wonder why you get tired after a big meal like that? It's the intense carbs which drives your insulin level up rapidly causing that lethargic, sleepy feeling. If you are going to eat the deserts, keep those slices thin and eat slowly.

HINT: If you must have pasta, use the whole wheat versions that are incredibly poplular in most supermarkets now. In fact, they are high in vitamins and even include omega fatty-acids now, which is excellent for vascular health. When boiling your pasta, try spraying Pam in the water and watch how nothing sticks!

For optimal ongoing nutrition, I encourage you to visit my site and get yourself some samples of the greatest, most effective nutritional Live Whole Food supplments that you can offer your body.

Give yourself a gift for the holiday - amazaing health! What can be better?

Enjoy the holidays and eat wisely!