Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Pursuit of Live Whole Foods!

As a result of our blog posting, "Beyond Square Meals, Penetrate Your Cells", we continue to receive requests for more information about the benefits of live whole foods. It's no surprise that more and more people are in pursuit of a more healthy lifestyle. Enter a supermarket or a Whole Foods store and you begin to notice a significant influx of products labled as "organic" or "cage free".

All this simply means is these products are grown and produced in their most natural state without being compromised by chemicals, additivies or hormones. Consuming organic and "live whole foods" is a wonderful way to bring your body back into proper balance. You see, live whole foods retain most all of their original nutrients and are not compromised by processing techniques used on most foods we eat today.

There is a forward-thinking company called, URI International, who is leading the way with live whole foods supplements that is making a significant difference on people's health. We have been using their products for about 30 days now and can tell you that the benefits are extremely compelling - they are as follows:
  • Sustained energy
  • Uninterrupted sound sleep
  • Less sleep required
  • Far better digestion
  • Mental clarity - all day long
  • Overall better sense of well-being
  • Results were immediate and long-lasting
  • Delicious beyond our expectations

URI International has one focus and one purpose: To continue to provide the highest quality, most effective and affordable whole food nutritional supplements on the market for superior results. Each product contains premium, wholesome and synergistic ingredients that promote optimal health. The quality and value of our exceptional product line has enabled us to experience rapid growth and become recognized as the industry’s premier source for superior, live whole food nutritional products.

We give this company and their awesome products our hightest recommendation!

Feel great all the time - the results are noticeable immediately and know that you are doing your body good!

Video presentation here

GET SAMPLES HERE: or contact us.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Trouble Falling Asleep? Non-Addicting, Natural Remedy Works!

Here's another recent request we received regarding a topic on insomnia. We recommend this all natural supplement that works amazingly well for those prone to insomnia. Stay clear of those prescriptive type sleeping aids, as they are are highly addicting.

This product is 100% natural and you can "safely" take it every night if necessary. More importantly, it helps you re-establish a more natural sleeping pattern so you don't have to rely on it.

Get it here now and experience that much needed sleep so you can have great workouts the next day!

Friday, October 12, 2007

The 15 Minute Workout!

Hey guys! We got flooded with your wonderful responses last night and suggestions for our blog - thank you for your awesome comments.

Today's blog is the result of one of our reader's request for a simple morning workout that does not require getting up too early and heading off to the gym. If you have time constraints or if the thought of hardcore exercise makes you cringe, then we think you will appreciate this simple, yet effective morning workout routine.

It only takes 15 minutes - if you can't spare 15 minutes...go to a mirror right now....look at yourself and say, "stop making excuses and do something about your health!"

Ok, ready?

Go start the coffee maker and begin stretching for a couple of minutes. Then, break out into some jumping jacks, yes, old-fashioned, time-proven and effective, jumping jacks. Personally, I like to do about 100 at a moderate clip but do what you can - don't be afraid to push yourself a bit and work up a sweat. Feel the blood flowing and all those positive neurons reacting in harmony - they love it, trust me. Your body is begining to recalibrate itself.

After your set of jumping jacks, do 3-4 sets of push ups. Do as many as you can each set, holding your negative repetitions during the last 2-3 sets. Try it, you'll like it! If you can't do normal push ups, do the "girly-man" ones on your knees, just make sure no one is watching!

I also like to throw in some lunges and sit ups, but you can skip these in the beginning. You don't want to kill yourself - ha, ha!

Just try this, oh so simple routine, for one week and listen to your body. You will begin to really see some changes happening with your energy level and your oveall attitude. You will begin to feel motivated to take it to the next level or you can continue along with this routine, as it will help facilitate weight loss and improve your overall appearance and cardiovascular condition.

Do it tomorrow morning - remember, no excuses!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Looking For More Great Health & Fitness Tips?

We hope that you have found our blog helpful and beleive, you, me -- it's just begun!

Now, we want to hear from you! Please tell us what about some of the health and fitness issues you face or request a topic for our up and coming blogs. Consider this your personal source for all of your health and fitness needs. In the near future, you will be able to benefit even more when we launch our FitSmartz website. It will be jam-packed with awesome information that you can apply immediately to achieve a healther "life-style".

We realize there are a lot of choices out there when it comes to health and fitness sites, so we plan to up the anty with all sorts of great tools and interactive resources that will impact your life NOW; it will soon change the way you LEARN, GROW and Thrive!

Stay tuned!

In the mean time, please feel free to e-mail us at with all your requests. We promise to address them promptly.

Until then, keep that blood flowing!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Beyond Square Meals, Penetrate Your Cells!

With nutritional supplementation and health awareness at an all-time high, why have health problems skyrocketed over the last 100 years? While our ancestors lived difficult lives, they were not burdened with many of the complicated health challenges we face today. So what has changed in our modern world? What is the secret to enjoying the health and vitality experienced by our forefathers?

The answer is simple and indisputable: Live Whole Food Nutrition!For centuries, our ancestors received nourishment from whole food sources; Vegetables, berries, seeds, greens, sprouts, fruits, grains and nuts grown in chemical and pesticide free soil – soil that was rich in probiotics, fulvic acid, enzymes and minerals.

These are the absolute essential nutrients that impact your body right down to the cellular level. Science or fact, you question? Try feeding your body truly live whole foods for one week and experience mental and physical energy like never before. The impact that LIVE WHOLE FOODS have on your cells is absolutely amazing. I never realized what a difference it made until I tried it for one week - almost overnight you feel completely rejuvenated, re-energized -- almost re-engineered!

Experience what live whole foods can do for you - it's simple and it works!

In today’s world, our bodies still require the complete balance of pure nutrients and energy provided by live whole foods. The modern demands of our fast-paced world have led to the processing of food to the point of non-nutrition. Authentic food value has been sacrificed for convenience. Natural food has been replaced with chemically modified products that can promote illness and disease.

Today we are not only eating food – our food is eating us. In an attempt to counteract the impact of poor nutrition, we supplement our diet with “processed nutrition” in the form of isolated synthetic vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are only slightly more beneficial than the processed foods that created the problem!

The solution to the nutritional crisis facing our world is pretty simple … “Back to Basics” Back to a complete balance of live whole-foods, just the way that nature intended for healthy living. Supplementing your diet with live whole food nutritional products provide that balance. Feed your body the live whole food nutrition your body knows, Nutrition your body needs.

Need some help choosing the right live whole food alternatives? Send me an e-mail and I'll show you exactly what I do - you will love it!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Achieving Success Through Visualization?

Understanding the mind's role in motivation and behavior is one of the most critical elements in fitness success. If you struggle with changing habits and behaviors or if you can't get motivated, then even the best training and nutrition program is not much help.

A fascinating fact about your subconscious mind is that it's completely deductive in nature. In other words, it's fully capable of working backwards from the end to the means. If you "program" only the desired outcome successfully into your "mental computer," then your subconscious will take over and help you find the information and means and carry out the actions necessary to reach it.

Many people are familiar with affirmations and goal-setting as ways to give instructions to your subconscious mind. But perhaps the ultimate mental training" technique is visualization. In one respect, affirmation and visualization are the same, because when you speak or think an affirmation first, that triggers a mental image, being as the human brain "thinks" in pictures.

You can use visualization to plant goals into your subconscious mind. You simply close your eyes, use your imagination and mentally create pictures and run movies of your desired results. If repeated consistently with emotion, mental images are accepted by your subconscious as commands and this helps with changing habits, behavior and performance.

Years ago when I was big into weight training, I would take a minute to visualize my next set or routine. I knew in my mind that I already achieved my goal and that I just had to go through the motions. For example if I wanted to benchpress 275 lbs for 8 repetitions, I would simply visualize myself completing that 8th repetition before I even began.

Although there are some new and creative ways to use visualization, (which you are about to learn), this is not a new technique. Visualization has been used formally in the fields of sports psychology and personal development for decades and philosophers have discussed it for centuries:

"If you want to reach your goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal."
- Zig Ziglar

"The use of mental imagery is one of the strongest and most effective strategies for making something happen for you."
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

"Perhaps the most effective method of bringing the subconscious into practical action is through the process of making mental pictures - using the imagination."
- Claude Bristol

"There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking."
- William James, 1842-1910, Psychologist and Author

Despite these glowing endorsements and a long track record, some people can't get past feeling that this is just a "hokey" self-help technique. Rest assured, however, that visualization is an effective and time-tested method for increasing personal success that has been used by some of the highest achievers the world.

The Soviets started to popularize visualization in sports psychology back in the 1970's, as detailed in Charles Garfield's landmark book, "Peak Performance." They dominated in many sports during that period, which validated visualization anecdotally.

In the last 10-15 years, there has been some groundbreaking new brain research which has validated visualization scientifically. Here's something that was written recently by Dr. Richard Restak, a neuroscientist and author of 12 books about the human brain:

"The process of imagining yourself going through the motions of a complex musical or athletic performance activates brain areas that improve your performance. Brain scans have placed such intuitions on a firm neurological basis. Positron emission tomography (PET) scans reveal that the mental rehearsal of an action activates the prefontal areas of the brain responsible for the formulation of the appropriate motor programs. In practical terms, this means you can benefit from the use of mental imagery."

So much for being a "cheesy" self-help technique.

Although visualization is widely used today, even people who are familiar with it often don't realize its many applications. Arguably the most common use of visualization is by athletes, musicians and other performers as a form of "mental rehearsal." Research shows that "practicing in your mind" is almost as effective as practicing physically, and that doing both is more effective than either one alone.

A common use of visualization in the fitness context is "goal visualization." In your mind's eye, you can see yourself having already achieved your physique goal or your ideal goal weight. You can also visualize a specific performance goal such as completing a difficult workout or a heavy lift like a squat or bench press.

One creative way you can use mental imagery is called "process visualization." Once you've set your goals, it's easy to come up with a list of the daily habits, behaviors and action steps necessary to reach your goal. So write down the action steps and visualize them - the entire process, not just the end result. See yourself food shopping and grabbing fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, ordering healthy foods from restaurant menus, saying no to sodas and drinking water instead, and going to the gym consistently and having killer workouts. Some people visualize their entire "perfect day" as they would want it to unfold. When you do this as vividly, emotionally and in as much detail as you can, you will be neurologically priming your brain to carry out those behaviors.

The least known of all mental imagery techniques is called "physiology visualization." An example would be picturing the fat burning process in your body or seeing the muscle fibers growing larger and larger. Using this technique, could it be possible that you might be giving subconscious instructions to your body's cells, organs and tissues?

Well, consider the work of Dr. Carl Simonton, a physician and cancer researcher who taught his patients (as one part of a comprehensive program), how to visualize powerful immune cells devouring the cancer cells. I'm not suggesting that you can cure cancer or materialize a lean and muscular body just by visualizing, (there's a step in between thought and manifestation - it's called action - a step that many self help ‘experts' forget to mention). However, thoughts and mental images are the precursors to action and the fact that a mind-body connection definitely exists makes this an exciting prospect.

Scientists have established the mind-body link in many contexts, and not just by the existence of a placebo effect. There's also direct evidence as in the way emotional stress can contribute to physical disease. The mind does influence the body! The mere fact that a branch of science has been devoted to this area is proof that it deserves critical investigation and is not just the domain of infomercial self help gurus. The science is called psychoneuroimmunology.

Using "physiology visualization," you could, even in the middle of a workout, imagine the fat burning process taking place, and visualize fat being released from adipose tissue storage in your abdominal region or elsewhere. You could see the free fatty acids entering your bloodstream, being carried to the working muscles and being burned for energy in the muscle cells. You could also visualize the physiology of muscle growth.

One of your greatest mental powers is imagination. You can visualize anything you want and you can embellish and exaggerate your imagery as much as you want. For example, you could imagine the free fatty acids being burned for energy in the "cellular powerhouse" - the mitochondria - and you could imagine the mitochondrion as a fiery furnace... "incinerating" the fat! I think it's a pretty cool idea to "see" your fat cells shrinking and visualize your body as a "fat burning furnace."

Should you not believe that there's anything to the physiology visualization technique, that's ok, because we know that the subconscious is deductive. Just give it a goal, tell it what you want and it will get you there automatically by altering your attention and behavior. Therefore, we can be confident that physiology visualization will be effective even if only as a subconscious directive about your desired goal. If science someday provides us with conclusive evidence that visualization actually does cause cellular - physiological changes in the body, well, that's just all the better.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What's All The Hoopla Over Trans Fat??

A trans fatty acid (commonly shortened to trans fat) is an unsaturated fatty acid whose molecules contain trans double bonds between carbon atoms, which makes the molecules less kinked compared to those of 'cis fat'. (Hint: If you don't understand it, it's probably not good for you!) Research suggests a correlation between diets high in trans fats and diseases like atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. The National Academy of Sciences recommended in 2002 that dietary intake of trans fatty acids be minimized.

Trans fats can be natural or artificial. Small amounts of trans fat occur naturally in beef and dairy foods. Artificial trans fats are made when hydrogen gas reacts with oil. They can be found in cookies, crackers, icing, potato chips, stick margarine and microwave popcorn. About 80 percent of trans fat in American’s diet comes from factory-produce partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Why are They Bad for You?

Trans fats pose a higher risk of heart disease than saturated fats, which were once believed to be the worst kind of fats. While it is true that saturated fats -- found in butter, cheese and beef, for example -- raise total cholesterol levels, trans fats go a step further. Trans fats not only raise total cholesterol levels, they also deplete good cholesterol (HDL), which helps protect against heart disease.

What Harm do They do to the Body?

The stiffer and harder fats are, the more they clog up your arteries. Artificial trans fats do the same thing in our bodies that bacon grease does to kitchen sinks. Over time, they can "clog the pipes" that feed the heart and brain, which can lead to heart attack or stroke risk.

According to the comprehensive Nurses' Health Study -- the largest investigation of women and chronic disease -- trans fats double the risk of heart disease in women.

Why Have Trans Fatty Acids been Put in So Many Food Products?

No human body has any need for these man-made fats. Food manufacturers started putting them in products because they allow for a longer shelf life. Crackers, for example, can stay on the shelf and stay crispy for years in part because of the hydrogenated fats in them.

Are Trans Fats Bad for Kids?

Trans fats increase the risk for heart disease. Therefore, children who start at age 3 or 4 eating a steady diet of fast food, pop tarts, commercially prepared fish sticks, stick margarine, cake, candy, cookies and microwave popcorn can be expected to get heart disease earlier than kids who are eating foods without trans fats.

While a person may not get heart disease until they are in their 40s, some of our research here at the University of Maryland has shown that kids as young as 8, 9 and 10 already have the high cholesterol and blood fats that clog arteries. By starting healthy eating habits early, parents can help their children avoid heart attacks and stroke.

Learn the categories of foods that are likely to have trans fats:

*Fast foods - fried chicken, biscuits, fried fish sandwiches, French fries, fried apple or other *pie desserts
*Donuts, muffins

*Potato chips
*Many cookies
*Cake, cake icing, & pie
*Microwave popped corn
*Canned biscuits

Be a smart shopper

Don't shop when you're hungry because you're more likely to make poor choices and buy on impulse when you shop on an empty stomach. If you take the children with you, give them a satisfying snack before you go. Stand firm in your plans about what you will and will not purchase.

Shop the perimeter of the store. Most of the processed foods, which contain a lot of trans fats, are on the inner isles of the supermarket.

Have a plan for quick meals, snacks and lunch items you plan to purchase. Buy foods that you can fix quickly at home such as stir-fry packages, rice or couscous, chicken and salmon you can grill.

When you do purchase processed foods, choose the lower fat versions of crackers, cereals and desserts.

Finally, remember that you are responsible for the quality of the foods you bring into the house for your children. Children eat the foods that are available to them.