Thursday, October 11, 2007

Looking For More Great Health & Fitness Tips?

We hope that you have found our blog helpful and beleive, you, me -- it's just begun!

Now, we want to hear from you! Please tell us what about some of the health and fitness issues you face or request a topic for our up and coming blogs. Consider this your personal source for all of your health and fitness needs. In the near future, you will be able to benefit even more when we launch our FitSmartz website. It will be jam-packed with awesome information that you can apply immediately to achieve a healther "life-style".

We realize there are a lot of choices out there when it comes to health and fitness sites, so we plan to up the anty with all sorts of great tools and interactive resources that will impact your life NOW; it will soon change the way you LEARN, GROW and Thrive!

Stay tuned!

In the mean time, please feel free to e-mail us at with all your requests. We promise to address them promptly.

Until then, keep that blood flowing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does anyone recommend a good body fat scale that is accurate? I saw a post on that was comparing body fat scales to calipers and it said they weren't as accurate… is that true?